Timetables are now starting to appear on-line:
5/5a: 5a cut back to Guisborough, serving Hutton Gate and Rectory Lane. 5s diverted to serve Hollybush at all times
8: Changes to the weekday afternoon timetable - after 1440, journeys will operate every 10 minutes from both ends (the 1459 from Netherfields runs School Holidays only) until 1644 from the Bus Station (from Netherfields, frequency reduces to every 20 minutes after 1600) when it reduces to every 12 minutes until 1732, then 1745 and 1815. Evening times are revised to run 5 minutes earlier at xx45. Saturday timetable is unchanged until 1745 when the new evening times come into effect (1800 replaced by the revised 1815). Sunday journeys are retimed to run 5 minutes earlier throughout the day at xx15 and xx45.
9: Revised weekday afternoon timetable - after 1440, departures from Middlesbrough will be an uneven 20 minute then 15 minute frequency until 1610 (so 1440 1500 1515 1535 1550 1610) when it reverts to the present times until the 1735. The last two departures on weekdays are retimed - the 1755 from Middlesbrough will now depart at 1800, while the 1815 will run 15 minutes later at 1830. Likewise, the last two journeys on a Saturday will also now be 1800 and 1830 (presently 1750 and 1810). Sunday journeys are unchanged
15: A few minor changes to the timetable. The weekday 0803 from Roseworth to Bassleton Court is withdrawn
17/17a/X17: Weekday school and peak time journeys revised - the 17s at 1530 (to Ingleby Barwick), 1600 (to Kingsmead) and 1630 (Ingleby Barwick) and the 1545 and 1615 17As will run 5 minutes later than present. After the 1650 17a (unchanged), departures will now be every 7/8 minutes between the 17, 17a and X17 - at 1703 (X17), 1710 (17 - presently 1705), 1718 (X17 - currently 1725), 1725 (17a - retimed from 1720), 1733 (X17 - currently 1745) and 1740 (17 - currently 1735) before reverting to the unchanged 1755 17a. The last 17 to Kingsmead will now depart at 1815 (currently 1805) and run 10 minutes later until Ingleby Barwick Sober Hall, arriving at Kingsmead 8 minutes later than present. Evening journeys now run 5 minutes earlier.
Saturday daytimes are unchanged - the evening journeys run 5 minutes earlier. Sunday journeys are unchanged except that the last departure from Middlesbrough, presently 1935 (the odd one out) will now depart at 1930.
28/28a: Revised route - reverting to serve Easterside and Marton Manor rather than direct via Marton Road. As such, journeys now depart Middlesbrough 5 minutes earlier during the day.
29/29a: 29a is withdrawn, the 29 is instead diverted via Saltersgill, no longer serving Grove Hill. The evening journeys continue to serve Nunthorpe - except the 1755 (now 1750 on Saturdays) which will terminate at Cypress Road and commence from there at 1835. The two remaining Nunthorpe-bound journeys, and the single inbound journey, will now run at xx45 (1845 and 1945) from Middlesbrough and xx29 from Nunthopre (1929) in-line with the Sunday daytime times.
X22: A new weekday morning journey is introduced from North Tees Hospital to Middlesbrough at 0641.
X66/X67/66: More or less, this reverts back to the pre-May 2018 timetable, with 4 X66/X67 departures from Faverdale on a morning and 5 at peak/evening to Faverdale. The 2125 from Darlington to Stockton is withdrawn, however the old 66 departure at the same time is NOT re-instated. Likewise, the Saturday morning X67 from Stockton to Darlington at 0824 is withdrawn.
805: The morning journey is retimed to run 10 minutes later at 0808 - this now appears to revert to being a Sapphire working running onto a 5a at Swans Corner towards Middlesbrough at 0830.
1/1b: All 1B journeys are replaced by journeys on the 1. Sunday journeys from Darlington will run 5 minutes earlier than present.
2: Evening journeys from Red Hall are retimed by a minute or so until 2117. The 2117 from Red Hall on weekdays will now serve Allington Way, and as such, all remaining departures from Red Hall will run 6 minutes later than present. From Branksome, evening journeys are unchanged until 2130, when journeys will run 5 minutes later. On Saturdays, the 0708 from Branksome and the 2017 departure from Red Hall will serve the Business Park, and all evening journeys after 2030 will run 5 or so minutes later. Likewise, the 0808 from Branksome on Sundays and the 2017 from Red Hall on Sundays will also serve the Business Park.
3/3a/3b: It appears all journeys will now run as 3s, regardless of where it starts/terminates. Short Skerne Park-Town Centre journeys are re-introduced replacing the current 3b journeys. Harrowgate Hill-bound journeys now operate via Albert Hill instead of North Road, while Fitzwilliam Drive loses its service. Likewise, the evening and Sunday journeys to Mowden are withdrawn.
4: Evening journeys reduced to hourly
5/5a: Evening/Sunday journeys now operate as 5s rather than 5As, in-line with the changes to the 1.
7: The morning timetable is revised - the 0651 from Newton Aycliffe will now start in Darlington at 0627 (Aycliffe at 0650) while the 0715 from Newton Aycliffe to Framwellgate Moor is withdrawn. Evening journeys now run 5 minutes later from Durham (at xx25). The 2325 from Durham will now terminate at Newton Aycliffe Town Centre.
12: Appears now to be a stand-alone working - the shorts from Huworth will terminate at the Town Hall (rather than Tubwell Row). A one-way loop of Huworth has been adopted.
13a/13b: Saturday timetable is revised - each route will run every 12 minutes for a combined 6 minute frequency from half 8 onwards.
X1: Extra time is being added - outbound journeys will leave Darlington at the same times as present (xx00 to Tow Law, xx30 to Crook), Crook will be reached between 6 (on Tow Law journeys) and 8 (on short journeys) minutes later. Journeys from Tow Law will depart from there 10 minutes later than present, while Crook starting journeys will depart 8 minutes later. All Darlington-bound journeys will leave Bishop Auckland 10 minutes later than present, and arrival into Darlington will be 14 minutes later than present. The journey which extends to Stanhope in term time will now depart Darlington at 1635 (presently 1640).