05 Dec 2014, 5:58 pm
(05 Dec 2014, 5:57 pm)tyresmoke wrote [ -> ]Fair play given it could drop to -3 or -4 tonight...
Ye, its freezing outside tonight, the gritters are out and about.
(05 Dec 2014, 5:57 pm)tyresmoke wrote [ -> ]Fair play given it could drop to -3 or -4 tonight...
(03 Dec 2014, 6:18 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Tyne and Wear Metro cab radio replacement project
(05 Dec 2014, 8:59 pm)BJ10VUS wrote [ -> ]Watch out for the responsive touch screen on Haymarket's ticket machine at around the 1:10 mark!
(05 Dec 2014, 9:00 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Responsive my ass, last time i tried to buy a ticket from them, i raged at it hahaha![]()
(04 Dec 2014, 7:16 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]The use of the term 'low rail adhesion' is considered by some to be patronising; whilst I hadn't actually thought of it in that way myself, my friend brought it up when she suffered another late-running train and she saw the 'Delays to service' message one hundred times.
Using jargon, and making a campaign to explain the jargon, seems a little pointless if your audience wants to be spoken to in plain English.
(07 Dec 2014, 11:10 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Just to follow on from this, just had a quick check through the local bus operators and Metro's Facebook pages to see if there was any mentions of snow and possible disruption this may cause...
Stumbled across this post... The comments are interesting - it seems it's not just my friend who doesn't like the use of jargon!
(07 Dec 2014, 11:46 am)Simmy wrote [ -> ]Should have thought that my lecturer might have something to do with thisHaha oh dear.... He always uses the Metro as a case study in class haha.
(07 Dec 2014, 12:00 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Haha oh dear...
Well the 1143 train from Stadium of Light (South Hylton bound) arrived 15 mins late and is terminating at Sunderland. Means that the 1158 is late too...
No reported delays though!
(07 Dec 2014, 1:41 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]and again..........
Tyne and Wear Metro
3 mins ·
There are minor delays to trains running between South Hylton and Pelaw due to a train being withdrawn from service. Please leave extra time for your journey.
(07 Dec 2014, 4:44 pm)Bus_User wrote [ -> ]More than likely to be the same train that was withdrawn at Gosforth Michael which has resulted in a gap in service(hence the minor delay) towards South Hylton and then from South Hylton to Pelaw so whilst the message may look like 2 trains was withdrawn from service, it was infact just one.
Edit: Just in responce to Tom's post - I believe Metro are now puttng extra xmas services now which terminates at Sunderland/Pelaw/South Gosforth and Regent Centre so that what you may of saw or it could be one of the extra football special trains.
(07 Dec 2014, 4:44 pm)Bus_User wrote [ -> ]More than likely to be the same train that was withdrawn at Gosforth Michael which has resulted in a gap in service(hence the minor delay) towards South Hylton and then from South Hylton to Pelaw so whilst the message may look like 2 trains was withdrawn from service, it was infact just one.
Edit: Just in responce to Tom's post - I believe Metro are now puttng extra xmas services now which terminates at Sunderland/Pelaw/South Gosforth and Regent Centre so that what you may of saw or it could be one of the extra football special trains.
(07 Dec 2014, 4:48 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Well they should say if it's same train, means they're just fueling rage on their FB posts about it
(07 Dec 2014, 5:10 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Managed to grab a shot of 4002 this morning terminating at Sunderland:Or to call it by it's proper name......Sunderland Burdon Dock Siding.
Tyne & Wear Metro: 4002 by danielgrahamm, on Flickr
Been a while since I've seen the Sunderland/Park Lane sidings used.
(07 Dec 2014, 5:01 pm)Bus_User wrote [ -> ]I don't know why people moan about the same old things anyways, especially when they are probably not even on the system anyways.
Plenty people on the system moaning in the local rag in S/Tyneside lately about being late for work day after day.
but be grateful we do have a system in place that can get you from A to B in quick time when it runs well.
Normally when travelling on the Metro you wouldn't have "A to B in quick time and Metro" in the same sentence because it doesn't happen very often.
Sundays example when I was out on the Sunderland branch two trains in quick succession to South Hylton and a Sunderland Xmas terminator then nothing for 33 mins because of a train taken out of service. Couldn't make it up really.
(14 Dec 2014, 10:41 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Refurbished Metrocar 4036... What a nightmare!
It has more squeaks and rattles than a Dart, is missing a fleet number at the 'A' side (has been written on with a biro instead), and the Next Stop Announcements keep repeating 'This train terminates at the next station: Pelaw' at every single station, with the driver announcing what should be said instead.
(14 Dec 2014, 10:41 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Refurbished Metrocar 4036... What a nightmare!
It has more squeaks and rattles than a Dart, is missing a fleet number at the 'A' side (has been written on with a biro instead), and the Next Stop Announcements keep repeating 'This train terminates at the next station: Pelaw' at every single station, with the driver announcing what should be said instead.
(14 Dec 2014, 10:41 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Refurbished Metrocar 4036... What a nightmare!
It has more squeaks and rattles than a Dart, is missing a fleet number at the 'A' side (has been written on with a biro instead), and the Next Stop Announcements keep repeating 'This train terminates at the next station: Pelaw' at every single station, with the driver announcing what should be said instead.
(14 Dec 2014, 3:06 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]I rarely if ever use the Metro, Dan.
However, I remember quite a while back I did a very short stint from Gateshead to Monument. Can't even remember the fleet number (which isn't quite right, for me!), but it had random announcements blaring throughout the whole of the pretty short journey. Most of us were standing, too.
(14 Dec 2014, 3:12 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]What's with the double post?
(14 Dec 2014, 3:13 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Haha, I actually see that quite a lot with other people. I don't actually know what happened! - I just know I wrote the message the once!
(14 Dec 2014, 3:14 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Aye it usually happens at the same time.
Not two hours after- Have you been offline for two hours, and it's for some reason duplicated your post?
(14 Dec 2014, 3:15 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote [ -> ]Yeah I've just been out for a meal!
Left at 13:30 got back 15:10!