(09 Dec 2015, 4:39 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]I sincerely hope that is the case.
Me too, i don't fancy getting the 56 or X36, while i don't fancy leaving any earlier than i do now (currently leave at 7:45am), Metro replacement buses also seem to be iffy for time keeping....
Retweeted NRTimetable2 (@NRtimetable2):
NEW: Due to signalling problems between Sunderland and Newcastle some lines are blocked
A train has been withdrawn from service at Felling due to act of vandalism. We now have a gap in the service of up to 20 mins to trains running between Felling and St James. Please leave extra time for your journey if you're travelling in the area.
There are major delays to trains running between South Shields and St James due to a problem with the power supply. Please leave extra time for your journey.
(11 Dec 2015, 9:47 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]A train has been withdrawn from service at Felling due to act of vandalism. We now have a gap in the service of up to 20 mins to trains running between Felling and St James. Please leave extra time for your journey if you're travelling in the area.
Vandalism at Felling? What an unlikely place for it to happen

(14 Dec 2015, 5:25 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/nort...Chron-main
Cut in funding for modernisation plans
Its mad eh?, they can spend all this money on refurbishing the trains but now they reckon it will cost £400m to replace them....... why didn't they just replace them first time around?
Means the other pot of money could of gone else where on the line....
(14 Dec 2015, 5:25 pm)citaro5284 wrote [ -> ]http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/nort...Chron-main
Cut in funding for modernisation plans
Great minds eh?

More or less an identical post at the exact same time!
(14 Dec 2015, 5:28 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Its mad eh?, they can spend all this money on refurbishing the trains but now they reckon it will cost £400m to replace them....... why didn't they just replace them first time around?
Means the other pot of money could of gone else where on the line....
Going solely off memory here, but...
Pretty sure they applied for money for new trains as part of the modernisation scheme and it was knocked back, in favour of a refurb.
Typical short term thinking by the Government, who have decimated the British train building industry over the years at the same time.
I guess also why refurbishment was chosen over replacement of a new fleet was down too the fact Nexus did not really have any plans for fleet replacement in place for the near future and with the trains needing a refurbishment and to deal with the corrision issues then instead of buying new trains, they went for the cheaper option instead.
I'm becoming more doubtful the government will give Nexus the funding for new trains and I have heard if that is the case, the fleet could well be refurbished yet again although if that is the case, I hope it be more replacement of everything underneath the train instead of mainly cosmetic stuff.
Another reason why refurbishment was chosen is with the complications on the Sunderland line... If/when the Durham coast line gets electrified then it will have to be able to run on the same voltage as the new Metro fleet(or vice versa) so no doubt behind the scenes planning will be taking this into mind.
There are no trains running between Sunderland and East Boldon in both directions, this is due to a police incident. We will update you once we have more information.
There are no trains running between Haymarket and Heworth in both directions until further notice. This is due to problem with the overhead line. Go North East are accepting Metro tickets in the affected area. Bus services 27 operate between Monument and Heworth. We will update you as soon as we have more information.
I can imagine chao's now....
(20 Dec 2015, 2:09 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]There are no trains running between Haymarket and Heworth in both directions until further notice. This is due to problem with the overhead line. Go North East are accepting Metro tickets in the affected area. Bus services 27 operate between Monument and Heworth. We will update you as soon as we have more information.
I can imagine chao's now....
There are no trains running between Haymarket and Heworth in both directions until further notice. This is due to problem with the overhead line. We are currently operating a bus replacement service, the number 900, calling at or near to all stations between Monument and Heworth. Go North East are accepting Metro tickets in the affected area. Bus services 27 operate between Monument and Heworth. We will upd
Service has now resumed and trains are running between Haymarket and Heworth in both directions but are subject to delays of up to 45 mins. This was due to problem with the overhead line. Please leave extra time for your journey.
Tyne and Wear Metro
34 mins ·
There are delays of up to 15 mins to trains running between South Hylton and Airport due to a failed train. Please leave extra time for your journey.
Another failed train................
There are delays systemwide due to a technical fault. Delays of up to 20 mins between Airport and South Hylton Delays of up to 20 mins between St James and South Shields Delays of up to 20 mins between South Gosforth and Pelaw
(23 Dec 2015, 9:19 pm)Richard Young wrote [ -> ]Hello,
Just interested to know, has anyone requested the female Metro announcements via an FOI request - and if so, were the announcements "Change here for local/regional/national bus services; mainline & regional rail" or "this station is for Newcastle/Sunderland City Centre", included on the disc?
As I don't appear to have them included on the disc I requested.
Thank you!
I think that they don't want you to listen to a high pitched voice

There are delays of up to 30 mins to trains running between South Hylton and Pelaw due to a trespasser. Please leave extra time for your journey.
(27 Dec 2015, 7:52 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]There are delays of up to 30 mins to trains running between South Hylton and Pelaw due to a trespasser. Please leave extra time for your journey.
The trespasser was an 'on-time' train. The train was held at Brockley Whins for up to 30 minutes

(23 Dec 2015, 9:19 pm)Richard Young wrote [ -> ]Hello,
Just interested to know, has anyone requested the female Metro announcements via an FOI request - and if so, were the announcements "Change here for local/regional/national bus services; mainline & regional rail" or "this station is for Newcastle/Sunderland City Centre", included on the disc?
As I don't appear to have them included on the disc I requested.
Thank you!
I asked for them but never got a reply.
Good start to the morning....
Major delays to trains from Airport and The Coast - South Shields and South Hylton due to a problem with the power supply.
Along with delays system wide,someone haa reported:
Delay going to Haymarket due to incident at Haymarket metro platform 1.
(04 Jan 2016, 8:08 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Along with delays system wide,someone haa reported:
Delay going to Haymarket due to incident at Haymarket metro platform 1.
The issue this morning was apparently a "technical issue with getting trains out of the depot". The possibilities are endless, although it seems quite a few of the more pessimistic commuters have suggested this could roughly translate to "driver shortage"...
Delays this morning:
0506 South Gosforth to Park Lane - arrived Park Lane 14l, return journey to Airport departed 11l.
0508 Regent Centre (Newcastle) to South Hylton - arrived South Hylton 11l, return journey to Airport departed 11l.
0529 Regent Centre (Newcastle) to South Hylton - cancelled.
0537 Newcastle Airport to South Hylton - arrived South Hylton 8l, but was 10l at Sunderland.
Certainly not an ideal start to the morning, but could have been a lot worse!
Only 26% think that Metro is good enough, according to that poll.
It seems that almost everybody, bar Nexus and DB, think that the Metro is an absolute joke. Only three days have I attempted to use it whilst I've been on leave over Christmas, and on each occasion there's been an issue. I feel sorry for the regular commuters.
I do wish that Nexus had kept their own discussion forum open, as some of the comments on there these days would be comical. Hopefully they'll just read through this thread instead.
Tyne and Wear Metro
There are delays of up to 15 mins to trains running between Airport and South Hylton due to flooding. Please leave extra time for your journey.