(18 Jun 2015, 6:15 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Wonder how much it is costs to Refurbish one Metro Train, then the overall cost of Refurbishing all them is, compared to the cost of purchasing New Trains.
It's all very well saying 'purchase new trains' but DB Regio has said it wants tram-like trains next. This in itself would require extensive overhaul of the whole system (including track and signalling) which could well be more expensive than the modernisation itself.
(18 Jun 2015, 7:24 pm)northern156 wrote [ -> ]It's all very well saying 'purchase new trains' but DB Regio has said it wants tram-like trains next. This in itself would require extensive overhaul of the whole system (including track and signalling) which could well be more expensive than the modernisation itself.
So in short Millions is being wasted in Modernisation of the System, When in a few years there will be an extensive overhaul which again will cost Millions, seems DB Regio/Nexus are than capable of thinking logically, might as well stop wasting Millions and crack on with the extensive overhaul now.
(18 Jun 2015, 7:24 pm)northern156 wrote [ -> ]It's all very well saying 'purchase new trains' but DB Regio has said it wants tram-like trains next. This in itself would require extensive overhaul of the whole system (including track and signalling) which could well be more expensive than the modernisation itself.
(18 Jun 2015, 8:07 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]So in short Millions is being wasted in Modernisation of the System, When in a few years there will be an extensive overhaul which again will cost Millions, seems DB Regio/Nexus are than capable of thinking logically, might as well stop wasting Millions and crack on with the extensive overhaul now.
It's just another mooted option. DB Regio can have a preference, but ultimately it's Nexus (or the Combined Authority) who have to justify that their plans offer the best value for public money. Not to mention being robust enough to win funding from central Government... it's highly unlikely that local budgets are going to anywhere near enough to fund such plans alone.
It's probably a good time to note that
Nissan is expanding it's Sunderland footprint again. The rate of expansion over the last 5 years tells me that the ability to transport by rail freight must be on their agenda.
4002 is out and about today - heading to South Hylton from Stadium of Light at 0638.
(19 Jun 2015, 5:38 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]4002 is out and about today - heading to South Hylton from Stadium of Light at 0638.
Train 102.
(18 Jun 2015, 5:50 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Nexus to invest £40m in Metro modernisation over the next 12 months
Main works include:
The modernisation will include:
• The completed refurbishment of the Metro train fleet
• Track replacement on the QEII Bridge across the river Tyne and between Tynemouth and Northumberland Park stations
• A new Rail Traffic Management System (RTMS) in the Metro Control Room
• The modernisation of Central Station’s Metro ticket hall and platforms
• Station modernisation work at Heworth, Felling and Gateshead Stadium
• A new digital radio system for the Metro train fleet
• A key track junction replaced at Regent Centre
The work forms part of the £389m Metro: all change modernisation programme, a Government-funded scheme to modernise the Tyne and Wear Metro which began in 2010.
At the very bottom:
Nexus is planning further redevelopment work at Sunderland Station, working in partnership with Sunderland Council and Network Rail. These works will complement the improvements made to the sub-surface station in 2010.
Guess I've got some route learning to do then... Any idea when this is planned for? Think I heard 2016
Tyne and Wear Metro
15 mins ·
Byker is closed and trains will not be stopping at this station until further notice. This is due to a technical fault. We will update you once we have more information.
(21 Jun 2015, 10:19 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]Posted in March 2014 but very interesting:
I hope it happens, would be good to extend the system to Washington
"ThSad Stadium" - for "The next station is Gateshead Stadium" scrolling message on 4057. Rearmost display on the 'A' side.
4039 - Destinations and Next Stop Announcements are not working.
(26 Jun 2015, 6:16 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]4039 - Destinations and Next Stop Announcements are not working.
It is DB...
Could be showing 'Seacrest Road' all day, every day...
4027 was seen yesterday on the western bypass being returned to N.Shields, on a low loader of course, not in service

4083 has recieved new Emirates Airways adverts.
(26 Jun 2015, 10:11 am)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]4083 has recieved new Emirates Airways adverts.
Pretty sure 4083 gained this livery at the same time as the 403x series one.
I saw it quite a few weeks ago with the Emirates promotional livery, for sure.
(26 Jun 2015, 11:06 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]Pretty sure 4083 gained this livery at the same time as the 403x series one.
I saw it quite a few weeks ago with the Emirates promotional livery, for sure.
A revised advert to bring it up with the 2 refurbs.
(26 Jun 2015, 3:27 pm)Tommy_1581 wrote [ -> ]A revised advert to bring it up with the 2 refurbs.
Yep - same one as the 403x example. Been like that weeks.
(26 Jun 2015, 3:27 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]Yep - same one as the 403x example. Been like that weeks.
Only just noticed it, it certainly wasn't in that livery two weeks ago.

there is one metro broken down due to a compressor system in the engine burst which caused the train to shake. it was really loud and scary
Tyne and Wear Metro
Good morning, a software problem means all Metro ticket machines are currently not accepting credit card payments and in many cases rejecting cash payments.
The software supplier is attempting to rectify this problem.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Free metro rides today?
(01 Jul 2015, 9:19 am)Michael wrote [ -> ]Tyne and Wear Metro
Good morning, a software problem means all Metro ticket machines are currently not accepting credit card payments and in many cases rejecting cash payments.
The software supplier is attempting to rectify this problem.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Free metro rides today?
Oh Dear Oh Dear, Wonder how much they have lost in Cash Fares as a Result of this Problem.
Not sure if it has already been reported, but I was on metro car 4035a last night, and noticed that the next stop announcements had changed and were in the voice of a man. It also had some unusual features, such as telling people at East Boldon to: "take extra care of the level crossing." I think it's the same guy that does the Metro safety announcement that did it, but could be wrong. It was nice as he sounds like an actual human being, but it's still no where near as human/professionally done as the TfL tube announcements are on the Metropolitan/Hammersmith and City/Circle line trains.
Anyone else heard these?
(05 Jul 2015, 8:40 am)8222 wrote [ -> ]Hi,
Not sure if it has already been reported, but I was on metro car 4035a last night, and noticed that the next stop announcements had changed and were in the voice of a man. It also had some unusual features, such as telling people at East Boldon to: "take extra care of the level crossing." I think it's the same guy that does the Metro safety announcement that did it, but could be wrong. It was nice as he sounds like an actual human being, but it's still no where near as human/professionally done as the TfL tube announcements are on the Metropolitan/Hammersmith and City/Circle line trains.
Anyone else heard these?
They've been in the process of being rolled out since the start of this year (or thereabouts), but they've really got their skates on since the completion of the refurbishment programme. I think this is the reason why so many Metrocars are having problems with their Next Stop Announcements in general recently (I've noted a few of them) - either no voice at all, a load of stations being announced one after the other, or the screens playing funny buggers.
Much prefer the new voice to the old.
(05 Jul 2015, 8:49 am)Dan wrote [ -> ]They've been in the process of being rolled out since the start of this year (or thereabouts), but they've really got their skates on since the completion of the refurbishment programme. I think this is the reason why so many Metrocars are having problems with their Next Stop Announcements in general recently (I've noted a few of them) - either no voice at all, a load of stations being announced one after the other, or the screens playing funny buggers.
Much prefer the new voice to the old.
I wonder how different the system is to that which is used on LUL.
I think I've only ever been on one service (baring in mind I use the system very frequently when down London with work) where it has been wrong - quite amusing when the district line suggests you're in Earl's Court then South Kensington when actually you are at Mile End then off to Bow Road!
I have to say, going to Newcastle from Sunderland, I'd always rather wait for Northern Rail than take the Metro.
(05 Jul 2015, 9:13 am)8222 wrote [ -> ]I wonder how different the system is to that which is used on LUL.
I think I've only ever been on one service (baring in mind I use the system very frequently when down London with work) where it has been wrong - quite amusing when the district line suggests you're in Earl's Court then South Kensington when actually you are at Mile End then off to Bow Road!
I have to say, going to Newcastle from Sunderland, I'd always rather wait for Northern Rail than take the Metro.
hi i just want to ask
how different liveries do the metro,s have because i have seen numerous liveries
i dont mean brands just liveries
(05 Jul 2015, 11:35 am)buss14 wrote [ -> ]hi i just want to ask
how different liveries do the metro,s have because i have seen numerous liveries
i dont mean brands just liveries
Strictly speaking, they'll all be in the grey/black/yellow livery, apart from 4001, which is in Tyne and Wear PTE livery.
(05 Jul 2015, 11:37 am)aureolin wrote [ -> ]Strictly speaking, they'll all be in the grey/black/yellow livery, apart from 4001, which is in Tyne and Wear PTE livery.
thank you so i gather 4001 is kind of a celebration livery for the amount of years the metros have been running
(05 Jul 2015, 12:30 pm)buss14 wrote [ -> ]thank you so i gather 4001 is kind of a celebration livery for the amount of years the metros have been running
More heritage than anything else. It has worn the original Tyne and Wear PTE livery for its whole service life i believe.
(05 Jul 2015, 12:36 pm)S813 FVK wrote [ -> ]More heritage than anything else. It has worn the original Tyne and Wear PTE livery for its whole service life i believe.
lovely at least it gets looked after