(04 Feb 2025, 4:20 pm)ReDemPTiion wrote [ -> ]I think they’re on loan as we’re struggling for buses. Walkergates 10000 and 27820 are on loan to Slatyford too.
Does anyone know where 26293 is? Last seen 1st February and I don’t think it’s currently at Slatyford depot couldn’t see it in engineering or anything.
It's probably in the engineering works. U can't see a lot of buses from outside the depot if u look in
Is it true that Stockton is losing it's deckers when the electrics turn up?
I think deckers are going I think?
I see the E200MMCs are not on 685s this week. Back to the older E300s. Any particular reason? Clocking up too many miles? or is this why 26293 has not been seen so the other 2 (26291 & 2) are barred from the 685 in sympathy at the moment?
(04 Feb 2025, 11:04 pm)Brampton Trev wrote [ -> ]I see the E200MMCs are not on 685s this week. Back to the older E300s. Any particular reason? Clocking up too many miles? or is this why 26293 has not been seen so the other 2 (26291 & 2) are barred from the 685 in sympathy at the moment?
26291 & 292 are back on the 685 today. I think it is more reliability they’re getting ruined on them routes. They had to limit them to 50mph as they were using too much fuel. The 27***’s seem to handle it better I would say they should go back to using them tbh.
26293 must have been having some work done to it, it’s back out today on the 31’s. I fear that if the rest of the 262’s do come to slatyford which is looking likely as Stockton have taken Slatyford’s electric buses they will just get ruined. The 272’s for example aren’t as good as when they first turned up back in 2023.
(05 Feb 2025, 11:32 am)ReDemPTiion wrote [ -> ]26291 & 292 are back on the 685 today. I think it is more reliability they’re getting ruined on them routes. They had to limit them to 50mph as they were using too much fuel. The 27***’s seem to handle it better I would say they should go back to using them tbh.
What do you mean by ruined?
Too many miles in a week?
Not suited to going at 50mph or above for miles on end?
In what way do the 27*** handle the route better - different engine or gearbox or number of gears?
Stagecoach CNL bought a pair of E300s new, 27141 and 27142 64 reg with coach type seating, for the 685 and they seemed to do alright until replaced by the 68 reg E400MMCs. Compared to Slatyford and Walker, the Stagecoach CNL Carlilse depot has a lot of long routes where 50mph is usual.
(05 Feb 2025, 12:24 pm)Brampton Trev wrote [ -> ]What do you mean by ruined?
Too many miles in a week?
Not suited to going at 50mph or above for miles on end?
In what way do the 27*** handle the route better - different engine or gearbox or number of gears?
Stagecoach CNL bought a pair of E300s new, 27141 and 27142 64 reg with coach type seating, for the 685 and they seemed to do alright until replaced by the 68 reg E400MMCs. Compared to Slatyford and Walker, the Stagecoach CNL Carlilse depot has a lot of long routes where 50mph is usual.
So from what an engineer told me it’s something to do with the suspension on a 262 compared to the 27***’s, they can’t handle the potholes etc like the 27’s can which means they’ve gotta go in for work every so often. It’s the same with the older 260’s they must be built different to the older buses. But regards to the 27’s being better they never had to limit the speed on them so I guess they didn’t use as much fuel as the E200MMC’s but obviously the 262’s are more comfortable for longer journeys than the E300’s.
Apparently there were sections on route where you could claw time back by doing 57/58mph when the buses allowed it but being limited to 50mph they can’t claw back as much time as they used to when running late.
There are a lot of sections on the 685 where you can do 60 for a few miles at a time.
(05 Feb 2025, 8:46 pm)Brampton Trev wrote [ -> ]There are a lot of sections on the 685 where you can do 60 for a few miles at a time.
To be fair, apart from between the Corbridge roundabout and Horsley. There's no-where on the A69 where the 685 can go above 50 mph, without breaking the law.
(05 Feb 2025, 8:52 pm)Storx wrote [ -> ]To be fair, apart from between the Corbridge roundabout and Horsley. There's no-where on the A69 where the 685 can go above 50 mph, without breaking the law.
Thanks for your updates about 262nn Vs 27nnn.
When are stagecoach Stockton electric buses due is soon?
That Super question the come when are ready.
Are all E300 at Stockton depot going to stagecoach hartlepool depot when new yutongs come stagecoach Stockton depot?
(08 Feb 2025, 2:50 am)Glen1974 wrote [ -> ]Are all E300 at Stockton depot going to stagecoach hartlepool depot when new yutongs come stagecoach Stockton depot?
I doubt it, some will go to South Shields to withdraw the 8 Dennis darts. Some will probably go to Sunderland as well to help withdraw the gas buses.
24115 seems to be getting repaired at Slatyford but I don’t understand why if the plan is to get rid of them. I wonder what are the chances they go to Stockton to allow the 262’s to come to Slatyford earlier?
With the new law for buses to have next stop announcements by October 2026 do we think Stagecoach refurbish the older buses ie 24101-24115 09 plates or will they scrap them and get newer buses?
(08 Feb 2025, 10:43 pm)ReDemPTiion wrote [ -> ]With the new law for buses to have next stop announcements by October 2026 do we think Stagecoach refurbish the older buses ie 24101-24115 09 plates or will they scrap them and get newer buses?
Hopefully new buses although a lot of buses may need replacing (not really up to date with the current fleet allocations at SCNE, as there never seems to be an official fleet leaflet)
(08 Feb 2025, 6:24 pm)ReDemPTiion wrote [ -> ]24115 seems to be getting repaired at Slatyford but I don’t understand why if the plan is to get rid of them. I wonder what are the chances they go to Stockton to allow the 262’s to come to Slatyford earlier?
Stockton's Yutongs (well, the ones intended for Slatyford but redirected here instead) should be in service by the end of the month - I understand engineering were wanting (and management have given the go-ahead to do so) at least two of them to be in service from tomorrow (Monday) but as of yet they have yet to have the baseplates, CCTV or audio equipment fitted.
I'm sure the plan for now is that 24101-15 remain at Slatyford with Stockton's MMCs and Sunderland's Euro6 E300s releasing the ex-Stockton E300s. As yet, there's no home for the remaining E300s at Stockton - all that seems certain from the Stockton fleet is that all the MANs and E300 27506/7/9/10 will be withdrawn and sold for scrap and the E200s 37314-6 will more than likely end up at Hartlepool to displace 3 of their Darts. The new home for the E400s at Stockton are also currently unknown - however, as I have hinted, Hartlepool have put in a request for an allocation of deckers to deal with the peak-time loadings on the 1s out of Middlesbrough on an afternoon which would then also help Stockton out if a problem crops up with their electric decker for the Sedgefield School Contract.
(08 Feb 2025, 4:33 pm)ReDemPTiion wrote [ -> ]I doubt it, some will go to South Shields to withdraw the 8 Dennis darts. Some will probably go to Sunderland as well to help withdraw the gas buses.
Let's not forget Slatyford will have a large number of spare E200s once the 35 passes to Central Taxis - after all, they'll be no need for 12 E200s for a PVR of 6.
(09 Feb 2025, 9:41 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Stockton's Yutongs (well, the ones intended for Slatyford but redirected here instead) should be in service by the end of the month - I understand engineering were wanting (and management have given the go-ahead to do so) at least two of them to be in service from tomorrow (Monday) but as of yet they have yet to have the baseplates, CCTV or audio equipment fitted.
I'm sure the plan for now is that 24101-15 remain at Slatyford with Stockton's MMCs and Sunderland's Euro6 E300s releasing the ex-Stockton E300s. As yet, there's no home for the remaining E300s at Stockton - all that seems certain from the Stockton fleet is that all the MANs and E300 27506/7/9/10 will be withdrawn and sold for scrap and the E200s 37314-6 will more than likely end up at Hartlepool to displace 3 of their Darts. The new home for the E400s at Stockton are also currently unknown - however, as I have hinted, Hartlepool have put in a request for an allocation of deckers to deal with the peak-time loadings on the 1s out of Middlesbrough on an afternoon which would then also help Stockton out if a problem crops up with their electric decker for the Sedgefield School Contract.
I think it’s a bit of a joke keeping 09 plate buses at Slatyford and losing 65 plates. Where are the 64/65 plates going? I’ll never understand why they made 24101-115 euro 6 they’re awful things to drive I can’t stand them.
I’m going to assume once the electrics come the 241’s will be withdrawn but god knows when or if we’ll ever get the electric buses.
With regards to the double deckers it makes sense Hartlepool getting some as the 1 is very busy but they’ll more than likely head back to Newcastle.
(09 Feb 2025, 9:52 am)ReDemPTiion wrote [ -> ]I think it’s a bit of a joke keeping 09 plate buses at Slatyford and losing 65 plates. Where are the 64/65 plates going? I’ll never understand why they made 24101-115 euro 6 they’re awful things to drive I can’t stand them.
I’m going to assume once the electrics come the 241’s will be withdrawn but god knows when or if we’ll ever get the electric buses.
With regards to the double deckers it makes sense Hartlepool getting some as the 1 is very busy but they’ll more than likely head back to Newcastle.
Unless my maths is just wrong again. If Slatyford get all the Sunderland E300's and the Stockton MMC's then that's 27 vehicles in and there's only 17 E300's to go out so would assume there's something else to go out aswell.
Those MAN's would seem the obvious choice though.
The 64/65 Plate E300's would be the obvious Gas bus replacement since their slightly newer. Would be unfair to replace the gas buses with older vehicles and downgrade routes but who knows.
I’d be very surprised if any of the pointer darts & man E200s across the depots are still in service once all the movements have taken place. 60 new vehicles coming in to the fleet
(09 Feb 2025, 10:24 am)Storx wrote [ -> ]Unless my maths is just wrong again. If Slatyford get all the Sunderland E300's and the Stockton MMC's then that's 27 vehicles in and there's only 17 E300's to go out so would assume there's something else to go out aswell.
Those MAN's would seem the obvious choice though.
The 64/65 Plate E300's would be the obvious Gas bus replacement since their slightly newer. Would be unfair to replace the gas buses with older vehicles and downgrade routes but who knows.
I wouldn’t mind the 277’s from Sunderland and the 262’s coming in but yeah i would have thought the 241’s would be first out the door. I’ll never understand why Stockton bought them brand new and then just offloaded them to Slatyford when they got brand new buses and why stagecoach thought it’d be a good idea to give them new engines
Looking at most likely withdrawls id suggest
28001 - 28030
All pointer darts (12)
(09 Feb 2025, 5:41 pm)LVK 404L wrote [ -> ]Looking at most likely withdrawls id suggest
28001 - 28030
All pointer darts (12)
There's more than that to go. If I'm right there should be 84 vehicles going out from the electrics (64 electrics at Stockton and 20 electrics at Sunderland)
Personally I'd guess:
29x Gas Buses
31x MAN E300/ALX 300
8x MAN E200
12x Darts
1x E200 (26050)
4x E300 (27506/7/9/10)
Unless stuff is displaced elsewhere which see other divisions get some of the older stuff.
(09 Feb 2025, 6:28 pm)Storx wrote [ -> ]There's more than that to go. If I'm right there should be 84 vehicles going out from the electrics (64 electrics at Stockton and 20 electrics at Sunderland)
Personally I'd guess:
29x Gas Buses
31x MAN E300/ALX 300
8x MAN E200
12x Darts
1x E200 (26050)
4x E300 (27506/7/9/10)
Unless stuff is displaced elsewhere which see other divisions get some of the older stuff.
Are Stocktons new buses coming mkre or less as one batch over a short period of time (or like the new metro trains and coming over 2 years)
(09 Feb 2025, 9:41 am)Kuyoyo wrote [ -> ]Stockton's Yutongs (well, the ones intended for Slatyford but redirected here instead) should be in service by the end of the month - I understand engineering were wanting (and management have given the go-ahead to do so) at least two of them to be in service from tomorrow (Monday) but as of yet they have yet to have the baseplates, CCTV or audio equipment fitted.
I'm sure the plan for now is that 24101-15 remain at Slatyford with Stockton's MMCs and Sunderland's Euro6 E300s releasing the ex-Stockton E300s. As yet, there's no home for the remaining E300s at Stockton - all that seems certain from the Stockton fleet is that all the MANs and E300 27506/7/9/10 will be withdrawn and sold for scrap and the E200s 37314-6 will more than likely end up at Hartlepool to displace 3 of their Darts. The new home for the E400s at Stockton are also currently unknown - however, as I have hinted, Hartlepool have put in a request for an allocation of deckers to deal with the peak-time loadings on the 1s out of Middlesbrough on an afternoon which would then also help Stockton out if a problem crops up with their electric decker for the Sedgefield School Contract.
Let's not forget Slatyford will have a large number of spare E200s once the 35 passes to Central Taxis - after all, they'll be no need for 12 E200s for a PVR of 6.
Surely those E200's get split between Hartlepool and South Shields to replace all of the Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2's.
Also Sunderland will need 3/4 Euro 6 Buses for the X24 once the Gas Buses are Withdrawn unless they are going to allocate the spare Yutong E12's.
(09 Feb 2025, 5:41 pm)LVK 404L wrote [ -> ]Looking at most likely withdrawls id suggest
28001 - 28030
All pointer darts (12)
21413?, do you not mean 22413
(09 Feb 2025, 7:15 pm)LVK 404L wrote [ -> ]Are Stocktons new buses coming mkre or less as one batch over a short period of time (or like the new metro trains and coming over 2 years)
Not too sure, sure someone said they're all due this year though.
(09 Feb 2025, 7:56 pm)Malarkey wrote [ -> ]Surely those E200's get split between Hartlepool and South Shields to replace all of the Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2's.
Also Sunderland will need 3/4 Euro 6 Buses for the X24 once the Gas Buses are Withdrawn unless they are going to allocate the spare Yutong E12's.
See if they interworked the X24/X24A/X34, how much would the PVR increase (if at all), normally thr X34 has a 400MMC on it