24 Nov 2021, 11:34 am
For anyone who didn’t see on Facebook, 35234 entered service at Hartlepool yesterday on Seaton Carew short 1s and is out on 6/7 today (for anyone interested - it’s on the working 10 minutes behind 36462)
(24 Nov 2021, 8:05 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]Christmas services are now online:Usually just the E2 and E6 on Boxing Day. . Also Shields 10/11 not mentioned either which normally runs but again that may still be out to tender.
Sunderland: https://www.stagecoachbus.com/service-up...:11:42:874
Newcastle: https://www.stagecoachbus.com/service-up...:03:35:141
South Shields: https://www.stagecoachbus.com/service-up...:24:35:490
Teeside: https://www.stagecoachbus.com/service-up...:12:08:024
Hartlepool: https://www.stagecoachbus.com/service-up...:02:06:417
Note on the Sunderland Boxing day services... the E1/E2 are not yet included... contract could still be out for tender though.
(24 Nov 2021, 8:26 pm)Train8261 wrote [ -> ]So does this confirm that Stagecoach are running there own routes on boxing day
(24 Nov 2021, 8:55 pm)Michael wrote [ -> ]The ones listed so far are Stagecoach running the services themselves.Well that's disappointing
(24 Nov 2021, 8:14 pm)ifm001 wrote [ -> ]Usually just the E2 and E6 on Boxing Day. . Also Shields 10/11 not mentioned either which normally runs but again that may still be out to tender.Just updated again. South Shields now has 3, 4, 10, 11, E2 and E6 . If I remember correctly though Sunderland depot operated all of these last year and Shiellds closed for the day.
(29 Nov 2021, 5:45 pm)V514DFT wrote [ -> ]More of a question really,but anyone know why the 39/40 buses have been creeping onto other routes lately,seems rather odd,but then the ones missing off the 39/40 have ones in their place that should be on those other routes
Classic 400 was on the 39, E400MMC on the 22
(24 Dec 2021, 8:54 am)Dyllan7817 wrote [ -> ]New Route for Stockton depot: 101
Middlesbrough bus station- teesport, Grangetown
starting from the 3rd January 2022
PDF link:
(24 Dec 2021, 5:19 pm)V514DFT wrote [ -> ]Take a photo,its not often Stagevoach do new routes
(24 Dec 2021, 6:56 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]This will be running with funding - a tender came out earlier this year to support a new route for Teesport.Did GNE bid for it....I don't see why they would, they could have operated it out of peterlee.
Andreos might take back his initial compliment knowing that it isn’t a commercial venture from the operator!
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(24 Dec 2021, 6:56 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]This will be running with funding - a tender came out earlier this year to support a new route for Teesport.
Andreos might take back his initial compliment knowing that it isn’t a commercial venture from the operator!
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(24 Dec 2021, 8:23 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]The timetable clearly states its funded too.
Not sure why I would need to take back my initial complement about a bus service operating between a major source of employment and various housing estates where those employees work
(24 Dec 2021, 8:48 pm)tyresmoke wrote [ -> ]I’m intrigued to see how well this will do, quite surprised they’re missing some bits especially round North Ormesby that I thought were worth serving.
Will it still be here in a years time?
I hope it proves successful but I’m not sure it’ll become commercially viable. Let’s hope it’s reliable for a start…
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(24 Dec 2021, 9:05 pm)Andreos1 wrote [ -> ]Not fancy it yourself?
(24 Dec 2021, 8:48 pm)tyresmoke wrote [ -> ]I’m intrigued to see how well this will do, quite surprised they’re missing some bits especially round North Ormesby that I thought were worth serving.How many times has a Teesport bus been tried, and failed?
Will it still be here in a years time?
I hope it proves successful but I’m not sure it’ll become commercially viable. Let’s hope it’s reliable for a start…
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(24 Dec 2021, 9:15 pm)tyresmoke wrote [ -> ]We tendered for it… Stagecoach won it though. I just hope their staff shortages don’t hinder any attempt at it being successful. Hopefully it’ll be promoted well - it should attract staff from Asda & Tesco in theory, but the majority of them do of course already have other ways of getting to work. We’ll see - interestingly it will be the only local bus service to run on Christmas Day & Boxing Day in Teesside, next year.
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(24 Dec 2021, 9:51 pm)RobinHood wrote [ -> ]How many times has a Teesport bus been tried, and failed?Some of these have been given a limited time frame to run, such as this one running from East Cleveland in 2015 which was "an experiment" lasting just 8 weeks with the intention being staff finding other methods of transport prior to the end of the service.
People who work there already have their travel plans in place.
Unless business in the port have a heroic turnover of staff, it will be a waste of time, even in 12 months time.
I'm sure TeesFlex will be involved eventually (if this isn't already planned to be TeesFlex vehicle operated of course!)
(25 Dec 2021, 12:31 am)OrangeArrow49 wrote [ -> ]Does Stagecoach have NSAs for the expresses? 12, 22, 39/40 and 62/63 have announcements. What other services have NSAs recorded?Only Express route it would have program is more than likely X63 unless there like gne and have every single NSA announcement